June 2022
I am the Lord, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.
Thus says the Lord, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters,
who brings out chariot and horse, army and warrior;
they lie down; they cannot rise;
they are extinguished, quenched like a wick:
Do not remember the former things or consider the things of old.
I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth; do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:15-19
Dear Friends in Christ,
My whole life I have enjoyed spending time in the woods. I love to walk underneath the trees and over rivers, around lakes and between bushes. As an adult I do this mostly in state parks or near my family’s cabin. But when I was young I explored the woods behind our house for hours. One of the things that I learned very early in my forest exploring days was not to go off of the paths. These paths were not groomed or organized or in any way planned. They were traced by animals and made wider by my siblings. Most of them were the way they were because they avoided things like poison ivy, brambles or fences. Some very smart creatures made these paths and I did well to stick to them.
What’s funny is that the paths weren’t always the exact same. Once in a while, when spring came, I would find that the animals had discovered a new way to their favorite berry bushes or they’d rerouted around fallen trees. The shape of the trails changed as the environment and needs of its residences shifted. I still followed their paths because I trusted that the rabbits and deer and other creatures knew what they were doing.
One of the common themes of reassurance in the bible is the idea of God ‘making a way.’ God literally makes a path through various terrain. For thousands of years God’s people have been comforted by the knowledge that when we encounter difficulty God is willing and able to help us find a way through it. The obstacles of life are no match for the ingenuity of God. Our creator can make a path through every valley or mountain, river or dessert.
Sometimes the paths God leads us on are well trodden and easily found. Sometimes they are familiar and known. Other times they are a little less defined, a bit harder to spot. But they are there. God has made a way for us.
This month, I invite you to take some time and imagine the path that God is creating for you, your family, your community, your church. Where does it lead? What is it like? Is it long? Short? Easy to walk or difficult to follow? Whatever you find, wherever the road may lead, I promise, you won’t be walking it alone.
Pastor Laurel
First Lutheran Church Council met Wednesday night. As you probably noticed, a June's newsletter, calendar, and Treasurer’s report are included in this email/mailing. It was voted on to try and send these out the Friday after council meeting instead of waiting till the end of the month so you can have the information council discussed quicker. In the past, the treasurer’s report seemed to be a month late. Council approved the April treasurers report and you can see now where we stand financially instead of waiting three more weeks. We are trying to make the Treasurers report easier to understand so we do keep tweaking it. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask me, in person, by text or email.
Thanks, Kathy Thelke, Council President
Portals of Prayer for April – June are available in the Narthex (July – August will be available mid-June)
ALTAR GUILD Judy Gorder Jeanne Russell
USHERS Maynard Agena Shannon Muhlenbruch
DEACON Jeanette Wenzel
June 5th Kali Wharton
June 12th Brandon Stein
June 19th Jordyn Muhlenbruch
June 26th Matthew Hurt
FIRST COUNCIL WILL MEET June 1st at 7:00pm
FLCW Quilters Meeting : 1:00pm June 7th & June 21st
LIFE: Theological Group Study: June 30th 5:30pm
HOG ROAST: Just a Reminder that the Hog Roast will be on June 12th! (Flyer on the last page)
First Council met on May 4th with 11 members present. The meeting was called to order by President, Kathy Thelke. Shelly Howard made the motion to accept the agenda as presented and Loren Lienemann seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Pastor Laurel gave the devotion from a book by, Susan Beaumont, “How To Lead When You Do Not Know Where You’re Are Going”.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Laurel reported that Lent, Easter/Holy Week, Summer Worship Planning, VBS Planning and Synod Events were items that were done in April. She will find a Pastor for emergencies during her Continuing Ed time off.
Secretary’s Report: Pastor Laurel read the minutes from the April meeting. A motion by Loren Lienemann was made to accept the minutes as read. That motion was seconded by Mary Anderson. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Beth Hurt
Beth gave an overview of the different accounts and why they were done that way. Questions were answered. A motion was made by Loren to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and Jean Swanson seconded that motion. Motion carried.
President’s Report: Kathy Thelke
Kathy reported that the Lenten services were well attended and people liked the “round robin” of Pastor’s for Lent. Attendance was between 35-40 each night. Easter Breakfast went very well with lots of volunteers. Kathy said that 85-90 people attended the breakfast. She\ kept records of everything that was purchased and used for the meal.
Deacon’s Report: Deacons said that the shut-in members and those in care centers were getting visited regularly. They were also receiving communion.
Trustee Report: Mary Anderson and Jean Swanson purchased some pictures and wall art that was added to the wall in the Chapel. The faucets in the drinking fountains, both upstairs and downstairs, have been shut off due to leaking, etc. The boiler inspection was done but the report has not been received yet. A broken window in the men’s bathroom was repaired by Z&Z Glass. This window was broken by vandalism. There were two panes of glass involved in the replacement. It was replaced for a cost of $171.20.
Stewardship Report: Loren Lienemann
Loren reported that attendance is going up for Sunday services. The giving has gone up a little bit, too. He will make sure that there is advertising done for the upcoming, “Pork Loin Dinner”, on June 12th at the Dows Convention Center.
Fundraising Committee:
The food is being done by Shelly, Mary and Jean and items will be gotten through the Dows Grocery Store. The paper products will be provided by Kathy Thelke. A sign-up sheet will be put in the narthex for the items/food that they will need to have donated. Kathy has “take out” containers that can be used that day. Mary Anderson will make sure that it will be advertised on the radio in Iowa Falls and Hampton. Posters of the event will be taken to the different communities by Mary Anderson. Jeanne Russell will get the information to Karen Weld who does the “Clarion Wire” for the County. Beth will do up some posters to be put up around Dows and the surrounding communities. Information for carry outs will be put on the posters. It will be a “Free Will” Dinner.
Board of Education: Sunday School Recognition will be on May 22nd. Jean Swanson is getting the certificates for ice cream for the students and the flowers for the Staff. VBS meals will be chaired by Kathy Thelke 2-3 nights during that week. VBS is August 8th-12th.
Old Business: Discussion was held on trying to free up from school and sports activities, along with other things, to have Wednesday nights held for “church night”. It was decided to table the discussion until June and have members bring ideas to put in a letter to the go to the School and State of Iowa. Craig Russell presented a bid from Murphy’s to service the boiler at the cost of $516.00. A motion by Loren to go ahead and call Murphys to do that was then seconded by Craig Russell. The motion passed.
Foster Barkema Grant: Wright County does not qualify for those grants. So, we are not eligible to apply for any funding.
CGD Summer School: Loren reported that there would be summer school classes held at First Lutheran this year.
Masks for Communion: A motion made by Loren and seconded by Mary Anderson to remove the masks during communion was passed.
Synod Assembly: The 2022 Synod Assembly is on June 10-12th. Beth will go as a representative along with Pastor Laurel. Pastor Laurel reported that she is now the “Conference Dean” for the NEIA Synod for the next 4 years.
Newsletter/Treasurers Report Change: There was a discussion held on how important it would be for members to get information following a Council meeting about the financial status of the congregation. Shelly made a motion to change the Newsletter with the Treasurer’s Report to be sent out to members on the Friday after each Council meeting. It was seconded by Mary Anderson. The motion was passed. Kathy Thelke will write up a message to the Congregation as to why the change is being done.
VBS: The balance in the VBS account at this time is $750.00, reported by Beth. The curriculum cost is $500 and that does not include craft supplies, etc. So, if financial donations are needed afterwards, the Council will be willing to fund that.
Old Refrigerator: The refrigerator in the Communion room has been unplugged for over 2 years and is all rusted. It needs to be taken out. Mary Anderson said she would see that it was done and she has volunteers to help her.
Graduating Senior: Senior Recognition Sunday is May 10th. Craig Russell has gotten a tree and it will be presented that day to Tristan Vinsand. Jean Swanson will make the bow and provide the cellophane.
Copyrights for Streaming: We do need to keep up with the licensing to stream services and to use music. The annual cost to keep our copyrights with CCLI is $76.00. Several members of the congregation will donate the cost to keep these up.
Kris Stein Donation: Beth will let members know that donations for Kris can be sent to the Church.
Other: Maynard Agena made a motion to receive Communion just at the communion rail and to also pass the collection plates, as we were doing pre-covid, and to do the “Passing of the Peace” – as you feel comfortable. Loren Lienemann seconded that motion.
Pentecost Sunday is June 5th – WEAR RED!!
A motion to adjourn was made by Jean Swanson and seconded by Loren Lienemann. Motion carried. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Submitted by,
Jeanne Russell, Secretary Pro-Tem
June 2022, LSI Bulletin/Newsletter Article and Story Happy Father’s Day!
At Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI), we strive to build up and empower Iowa kids and families. For us, Father’s Day is a time to celebrate all the fathers and male role models we see every day. Through our Early Childhood Services, young men are learning to become dads. They’re becoming confident and active in their child’s life, and they are creating loving, bright futures for their families.
Many Iowa children entering foster care need a positive male role model in their lives. And through LSI Foster Care and Adoption, our licensed foster dads are there to help guide them.
This is only possible through your support of LSI! If you would like to make a gift, please contact Deb Whitford, LSI director of philanthropy and church relations, at Deborah.Whitford@LSIowa.org or 563- 676-2065.
Thank you for responding to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service!
Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa responds to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service. LSI is an affiliated social ministry partner of the Iowa congregations of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and a member of LSA (Lutheran Services in America). We proudly serve people of all ages, abilities, religions, sexes, gender identities, national origins, ethnicities, races, and sexual orientations. Learn more at LSIowa.org and Facebook.com/LSI.iowa.
Therapy Provides a Solid Foundation
Dana and Jack have lots to look forward to. They are planning their wedding, Jack is hard at work finishing his college degree, and they share a growing baby boy, Levi.But while they wanted to keep their sights set on the future, Jack struggled to cope with some of his past.
As an Army veteran, Jack found himself struggling with addiction after he returned home, and he found it difficult to process some of the emotions that came with it. He wanted to break free from those struggles and get help. Dana had been meeting with her LSI therapist, Andrea, for several years already and wanted her to connect with Jack too.
Now, after meeting with Andrea, Jack has learned to cope with his past in healthy ways. He has since been able to break his addiction and he now feels clear-headed whenever he needs to cope through the challenging days.
Jack and Dana also attend couples counseling with Andrea and through their sessions, they are able to ensure they have a happy, healthy home for Levi.
The couple says Andrea and LSI have been a “breath of fresh air,” and they feel more empowered and in control of their life.